Workplace Health and Safety Policy
Wear In Business Workplace Health and Safety Policy
Wear In Business is committed to the provision of a healthy and safe environment for employees, contractors, customers and visitors. The Wear In Business team and owners are empowered to work together, to implement our health and safety program. Each person is responsible and accountable for Health, Safety and Environmental Management. Together, we will continue to proactively implement our policy through ethical conduct, consultation within the workplace and teamwork. Wear In Business is committed to continuous improvement of Workplace Health and Safety performance by establishing measurable objectives and targets aimed at the elimination of work-related injury and illness.
This policy applies to all Wear In Business employees, contractors, visitors, and all buildings and facilities and any premises used by Wear In Business. The policy documents the general, and specific, health and safety responsibilities applicable to all team.
ACT Workplace Health and Safety Act MANAGERS Includes Executive, Senior Managers, Business Managers and Unit Managers WHS Workplace Health and Safety REGULATIONS Workplace Health and Safety Regulations
- Ensure that the organisation complies with the Act, Regulations and Codes of Practice, where applicable, through regular liaison with the Operations Manager.
- Review WHS performance of Managers as part of the staff Performance Review and Development Scheme.
- Participate in WHS training.
- Plan and monitor WHS performance requirements.
- Ensure all necessary policies and procedures that are required to ensure compliance with the Act, Regulations and Codes of Practice, where applicable, are in place.
- Develop the WHS performance measures that are to be applied to business units.
- Review the WHS performance of the organisation on a quarterly basis in conjunction with the WHS Committee and develop annual plans for ongoing performance improvement.
- Provide the Owner/Director with regular performance management reports.
- Report to the Owner/Director on major issues of compliance or performance deficiency.
- Ensure all appropriate actions are taken to implement Workplace Health and Safety policy, procedures and legislative requirements.
- Review WHS performance of staff as part of the Performance Review and Development Scheme.
- Ensure that consultation with the employees’ Health and Safety representatives is conducted and documented on any workplace change, or issue, which may affect the health and safety of staff.
- Ensure WHS training needs for co-ordinators and staff are identified and included in the staff Professional Development Plans and reviewed regularly.
- Participate in WHS training.
- Supervise and monitor the return to work of injured workers.
- Report injuries, accidents and hazards to the WHS Officer or appropriate staff member.
- Develop the required training, induction and orientation programs to ensure that staff are aware of, and able to fulfil, their WHS responsibilities.
- Ensure that Work Cover incident notification regulations are adhered to.
- Coordinate return to work programs in conjunction with Human Resources.
- Undertake regular audits to ensure compliance in relation to all WHS matters, including emergency drills.
- Comply with all duties of the Health and Safety representatives. ALL STAFF,
- Ensure that all work injuries, illness, incidents, hazards and near-misses are recorded appropriately.
- Perform duties in accordance with the Act, Regulations and Codes of Practice, where applicable, and business policies and procedures.
- Monitor Workplace health and safety within area of their responsibility.
- Actively participate in the development and implementation of hazard elimination or minimisation strategies.
- Immediately report any accidents, hazards and near misses and take appropriate action.
- Observe standard operating procedures in the workplace.
- Participate in workplace inspections and audits.
- Participate in Workplace health and safety training.
All team are responsible for observing WHS policy, procedures and instructions, and to cooperate with the business with respect to any action taken by Wear In Business to comply with any requirement imposed by the Workplace Health and Safety Act, Workplace Health and Safety Regulations or any relevant Codes of Practice.